Who Really Discovered America? Quick Way to Build Geography Skills into History Instruction!8/31/2019 There is so much history to cover and so little time to do it! It can be really easy to put geographic skills on the back burner, isn't it? Fortunately, I have a product that both supplements core Age of Exploration instruction while providing an opportunity for students to practice some geography skills! There are many theories about who discovered America. For decades, the answer was Columbus and Spain, then evidence for earlier Viking settlement came to light, and historians grudgingly acknowledged they were wrong. The Vikings beat the Spanish by at least half a millennium! But was there anyone else? With my Who Really Discovered America? activity, your students will find out! This activity has your students find and label several controversial archaeological sites on an easy to read map, then come to a conclusion as to whether the Vikings were truly the only others to come to and explore the New World before Columbus. So, click the link below for my Who Really Discovered America? activity, and be sure to check out and follow my store for other great American History products!
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MEET TIMI'm an 18 year veteran teacher that loves teaching, coaching, writing, and my family.
May 2022