Genre. It's always on the test, but never really part of the curriculum until the upper grades. And some students just get it; it makes sense. But for others it doesn't. They need explicit teaching of genre. We've been using this great set of posters and talking about genre as we read. We also added this great file folder activity to our list. The students read the back of a made up book and decided what genre that book fits into. Then they match the back of the book with the book's cover (the genre). If we have time they record their answers, but since we work on it during small group sometimes we run out of time and don't always use the recording sheet. If you are interested in this genre matching file folder game it can be found on my Teachers Pay Teachers store for Free! Just click on the pictures or HERE!
MEET JENI'm a mom, wife, and teacher that loves to read, hang out with my family, and learn. I love to use our blog to share ideas with others and to help keep me learning!
December 2021