Vocabulary acquisition is so important for any student, but even more so for students in poverty. We use two things in our classrooms for vocabulary. We explicitly teach vocabulary and we use strategies to teach students to learn vocabulary on their own. For vocabulary instruction we mix, or mesh, Anita Archer's explicit teaching with Marzano's vocabulary strategies. First, say the word (volcano). Then place your hand out and have the students repeat the word (volcano). Repeat this as needed to make sure there is correct pronunciation. Second, give a definition of the word (a volcano is an opening, usually on a mountain or hill, that has molten/hot/liquid rock come out of it). Repeat the definition a few times depending on the looks on faces. Third, use it in context or explain how it pertains to the lesson. (today, we are going to read about a volcano and how the molten rock comes out of the volcano). And last, have the students turn and tell a partner the word and a definition for the word. As they are telling each other listen and observe to gauge their understanding. This strategy works great for directly, or explicitly, teaching vocabulary. It can be used in any subject!
MEET JENI'm a mom, wife, and teacher that loves to read, hang out with my family, and learn. I love to use our blog to share ideas with others and to help keep me learning!
December 2021